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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Mr.Richards Expirience !

Mr.Richards class was an EXELLENT expirence . It Really helped get my creativ juices flowing . I think Mr.Richards really aims for removing the artist from their comfort zone so they can be able to use thier creativity 101% !

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs


Steve Jobs was the Co-founder , chairman and cheif executive of Apple Inc. He was also a cheif exectutive for Pixar Animation Studios . He also served as the CEO of Apple from 1997-2011 (:

Paul Baker

  Paul Baker, founder of The Dallas Theatre Center and the first principle of Arts Magnet was an INCREDIBLE person ! Graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in drama from Trinity University in 1932, he went beyond Texas to study theater in England, Germany, Russia and Japan and completed a Master’s Degree in Fine Arts from Yale University on a Rockefeller Foundation Scholarship."Dr. Paul Baker was a great artist, a visionary leader and a master educator. As the founding artistic director of Dallas Theater Center he created a vital company of actors, directed boldly original interpretations of classic plays, and developed new plays that have had a lasting impact on the American theater. Equally important, his deep commitment to education has inspired generations of students. His quarter-century of leadership at DTC will never be surpassed in its duration, vision and passion." said Artistic director Kevin Moriarty.